Saturday, October 30, 2010

時をかける少女/ The girl who leapt through time

 The girl who leapt through time is a japanese novel from 1967 about a girl who accidentally gains the ability to travel through time. Although the original novel was made into a series and a live action film eventually getting a live action sequel i will be talking about the Anime movie mainly because I haven't seen the others...

The story revolves around a highschool girl named Makoto Konno and her life. Being a horrible clutz and not the brightest of students she sometimes has unlucky days. The story begins on one of those unlucky days where having failed a pop quiz and almost burnt down her cooking class she gets thrown infront of a train and dies, except she doesn't die. She finds herself, quite safe, about 30 seconds in the past. She then finds that she can travel through time and uses that power to get better grades and correcting her mistakes. This just makes things worse however and she starts finding herself in alot of trouble soon. 

The animation in this film is wonderful and I think it shows pretty well the chilled everyday of a tomboyish highschool girl. Makoto's personality certainly doesn't make this movie boring to watch and before long you find yourself sucked into her world and will be thinking how awesome it would be if you could do it all yourself... now of course if it were me, I wouldn't get into any trouble because I am awesome. I can't say that the music was very rememberable, having seen the movie I don't think I can clearly remember a single song. The idea itself is pretty good and the things that happen to her can often make you chuckle. I found it easy to connect with her and would probably have done the same thing as her if given the chance ( probably with how easy it would be to sleep till 12 and then just jump back to 7:30 and go to school xD ). A very enjoyable experience and I would recommend this movie to almost everyone.

Unlimited Blade Works

The movie UBW(Unlimited Blade Works) is based on a visual novel developed by Type-Moon in 2004. It revolves around a war called "The holy Grail War" which occurs every 10 years. Each time it is a fight to the death between 7 masters(mages) and their servants(legendary spirits summoned by the holy grail to fight). The last standing can then claim the holy grail which has the power to grant any one wish. The main character is a survivor of the holy grail war that occurred 10 years ago. He was saved and adopted by a master of that holy grail war and lived peacefully for 10 years. The plot involves him getting dragged into the holy grail war as a master and teaming up with another master to survive, a thing easier said than done.

That said, this film is not for children as it contains lots of violence and people brutally killing each other, a thing which is pretty epic when it's in 2-D... I mean they can show alot more than they could with real people and they aren't sued by strange americans because this is a japanese film. I would not say that it resembles a horror movie or a psychological thriller at all. Well it is actually kinda hard to go to sleep after seeing it, though that is because you just want to see it again.

Just to be clear on one very important point, this is a movie for fans much more than the general public. Being a movie adaptation of the second arc of a visual novel which takes about 30+ hours to read it has to skip some parts of it. Even so it is amazing just how much they manage to do with this movie. This movie has alot of fighting scenes with some nice coreography and  a very good story. This movie has some of the best fighting scenes I have seen in a long time and the backgrounds are probably best described as eyecandy. UBW also has an amazing orchestral soundtrack which goes well with the fighting scenes. Well truth be told I really wanted Heaven's Feel instead of Unlimited Blade Works but I guess you can't always have things your way.

Friday, October 8, 2010


Kimjongilia or "the flower of kim jong il" is a human right's film that portrays north korean refugees as they speak of what has happened to them in North Korea and what has driven them to leave their homes. North Korea is the most isolated country in the world. This film tells of the horrors the people have suffered at the hands of the North-Korean government and the way people were tought to worship "the leader(Kim Jong Il's late father)" as a god. It is a film in which North-Korean refugees get to share their stories with the world and how they hope that one day their people can come to see what they have seen.
All in all it is a very eye-opening film which should touch the hearts of those who see it.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Hunter

The Hunter er mynd sem fjallar um mann sem vinnur næturvaktir. Þó hann hafi ekki mikinn tíma þá reynir hann að eyða sem mestum tíma með konu sinni og dóttur en konan hans vinnur dagvaktir. Hann stundar veiðar til þess að losa sig við stress og líf hans byggist á afar viðkvæmu jafnvægi. Það kemur þó fyrir eitt kvöldið að konan hans og dóttir koma ekki heim og hann fær símtal frá lögreglunni, sem biður hann að koma niður á stöð. Þar er honum sagt að konan hans hafi látist í skothríð milli lögreglu og uppreisnarmanna. Hann hefur þá leit að dóttur sinni og líf hans verður algert helvíti. Hann fréttir síðan að lík dóttur sinnar hafi fundist nálægt líki konu sinnar og fer þá yfirum. Hann kennir lögreglunni um dauða fjölskyldu sinnar og gerist lögreglumorðingi. Það gerist þó að tveir lögreglumenn ná honum en samband þessara tveggja lögregluþjóna er vægast sagt slæmt. Við það að ná honum þá týndust þeir og verður ferðalag þeirra til baka afar uppákomusamt.