Thursday, December 2, 2010

Break Blade OVA 1

Set in a world quite different from our own, Break Blade follows Lygatt Arrow, an un-sorcerer, in other words a person uncapable of controlling qwartz, the material used by the entire world to produce all but the most basic of tools. Qwartz is the material that makes the world go round and the people who can control qwartz are called sorcerers. At the start of the movie he gets called to the country of Kristna by the King Hodr(sounds a lot like Höður), a former aquaintance of his, to help Sygin, the head researcher and Hodr's wife, with the study of an ancient robot they found frozen in a block of ice deep underground.
Having never been able to control Quartz he is shocked to find out that he can control this robot with unbelievable ease when the sorcerers can't seem to activate it. With this he gets dragged into a war between two countries and into a conflict between former friends.
This movie is the first of 6 movies with the title of Break Blade. What I like most about this movie is the fact that a seemingly unremarkable person can one day become the most remarkable of all. It shows how people are not always told the entire truth and that without knowing both sides you can be quick to misjudge. I feel it's sad that former friends can be torn apart by the lies of the ruling powers and how people get pulled into wars and don't know what they are fighting for. Well hehe i also got this in 1080p hehe so I had to watch this. Pretty cool fighting scenes and cool characters. I don't think anyone but the main character was really memorable in this film though, maybe he was just too epic or maybe the other characters didn't give you the chance to relate to them.

涼宮ハルヒの消失/ The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya

Well well well. Here we have the film that was rewarded with the best animated film of 2010. Pretty epic reward but does it live up to it's reputation. Simple answer: YES!!!! A film of pretty epic proportions this again is a film that requires you to have seen the series or read the novels before watching(if you don't the whole experience is diminished by alot and you won't understand half of what happens). A word of advice for those who haven't read the novels or watched the series, if you want to watch this don't doubt what happens in it for a minute, because well, this is Haruhi and what she does never makes sense.
The story starts off with the group of five friends planning a christmas party at their school and break into the school at christmas and do it there because there is nothing better to do. The main protagonist Kyon wakes up the next day and experiences that his life has been seriously messed up somehow. It is like the events over the past year have been erased and Haruhi's presence along with it. She is nowhere to be found and their club "the SOS brigade" was never founded. The members of the club don't remember him and an entire classroom has completely vanished. Setting out to fix this screwup he turns to the only person who he believes can help him. When that fails he wanders aimlessly until his classmate mentions the name Suzumiya setting in motion a series of amazing events involving timetravel and just pure epicness.
This is without doubt the best anime film released in the year 2010. It is a must see for any Haruhi fan and just people who want to experience a fun world where normal rules don't apply. The movie has a good soundtrack and well some really really dramatic moments, like when he meets Haruhi again, I have to admit I almost cried... I am a sucker for good dramas.
Well there was one part of the film I didn't really like but maybe I just didn't understand it perfectly, that said this film is really deep and the movie stays true to the characters which is a must for any movie, and just what you would expect from a Haruhi movie.

It would be good if you could point out some things to talk about concerning movies. I always end up wanting to talk about the movie and the storyline and what happens but I don't think you want that :/

Black Rock Shooter

basic trivia: very skippable....Black Rock Shooter was originally a character created by the artist Huke. He gave his permission to let it be used in the Hatsune Miku song Black Rock Shooter and due to the huge popularity of that video he became well known although many mistook Black Rock Shooter for Miku but it is well known that black rock shooter and miku are entirely different characters. Eventually Black rock shooter gained enough fame to warrant a OVA which is a Pilot episode to the anime.
The movie shows the life of Kuroi Mato a junior high school girl that befriends a girl named Takanashi Yomi. They quickly become best of friends and spend alot of time together. The year quickly passes and the following year they end up in different classes which ends up dramatically reducing the time they spend together. Yomi becomes jealous as Mato starts to befriend another girl and spend less time with her. This somehow leads to some epic otherworldly possession as Dead Master, an etheral presence quite similar to Black rock shooter, for some reason ends up exploiting the jelousy withing Yomi's heart to take control of her.
Well this movie is certainly a must watch for fans of Black Rock Shooter. However I don't think it would be enjoyable for someone who is not a fan. The movie by itself isn't really a masterpiece or anything in that direction. What makes this movie good imo is seeing the charactes you love come alive on video for the first time.
The music is certainly good and we have some fun choreography for the fighting scenes. There are alot of scenes that aren't explained and if you haven't familiarized yourself with the story you probably won't understand what is epic about them and you probably won't be thrilled when seeing this film. Well for the most part it is just showing the live of a Japanese junior high girl and i don't think that is something that many are interested in but this film was a really enjoyable watch for me.

Evangelion (1.0) You Are (Not) Alone

The movie Evangelion 1.0: you are (not) alone follows the depressed teenage boy Shinji as he is dragged into a fight for the survival of the human race. His father being head of NERV, humanity's last line of defence against the Angels, beings seemingly desiring nothing more than to reach Lillith, a being locked deep withing NERV, and initiating the Third Impact, an event that would probably wipe humanity from the face of the Earth. Shinji gets dragged into piloting an Eva, a machine capable of fighting the Angels.
The characters in this movie are amazing. Well it is really strange that something this great could be created by a depressed suicidal man but sometimes the stranges things happen. I am not sure wether is should be explaining the characters here because I think it is better to let everyone get to know them on their own. I can't help but cheer Shinji on in his fight against the angels, wanting to give up at every turn he is without doubt not your typical hero type. He is more of a regular schoolboy that just happened to get dragged into something beyond his control. This leads to the audience being able to connect with him to a certain degree. I certainly wouldn't want to be in his position.
The CG is top notch in this film and the voice acting is superb. Seeing that this is perhaps the most famous robot/mech anime in the world, only other real competitor is Gundam imo. The pure epicness of the film is bound to turn almost anyone into a fan. That said, I can't say that there is much of a soundtrack in this, probably just about 2-3 songs in the whole. The flow of the film is really normal and natural too. I doesn't come to a point where you feel that plot is being forced onward, it just flows naturally.
Well I would really recommend this one.

Resident Evil

This movie is basically about an elite group people sent to investigate a strange insident which ocurred in the Hive, a facility far beneath Racoon City, controlled by the Umbrella corporation. The artificial A.I. in control of the Hive, a.k.a. The Red Queen, is reported to have gone homicidal and the group is sent to the Hive to initiate a reset of The Red Queen. This has some severe ramifications and the group end up having to fight for their lives within the Hive in a desperate attempt to escape.
Well the story is pretty fun. Starts off with someone stealing a highly deadly virus and releasing it into the atmosphere. This virus makes cells regenerate at an increadible rate and oh it turns everyone into zombies when they die.... isn't that fun. So basically the group ends up having to fight for their lives against zombies in a race against time as they try to escape to the surface.
Well the effects in the movie are pretty fun and it really is enjoyable to watch. The music is nothing really memorable seeing I don't even remember a single song but that might just be my bad memory. The characters are really fun though and it's interesting to see how Alice, the main character, suffers from amnesia at the beginning and her past is revealed to us throughout the movie.
What I didn't like about this movie is that there are alot of scenes where a larg part of the screen goes dark and then the audience is supposed to be frightened when something pops in all of a sudden. Too much of it and not really what makes movies for me.
Good parts of the movie ?? Zombies Zombies and more Zombies... I mean who doesn't like zombies? Well the choreography for the fighting scenes is really fun at parts and you got Alice jumping of walls and acting like a tough guy for most of the movie... Girls acting tough and then killing that. Also the side characters are really fun and interesting at times and that adds alot to the movie.

Ok netvandamál for the win...

Netvandamál eru svo best...

Saturday, October 30, 2010

時をかける少女/ The girl who leapt through time

 The girl who leapt through time is a japanese novel from 1967 about a girl who accidentally gains the ability to travel through time. Although the original novel was made into a series and a live action film eventually getting a live action sequel i will be talking about the Anime movie mainly because I haven't seen the others...

The story revolves around a highschool girl named Makoto Konno and her life. Being a horrible clutz and not the brightest of students she sometimes has unlucky days. The story begins on one of those unlucky days where having failed a pop quiz and almost burnt down her cooking class she gets thrown infront of a train and dies, except she doesn't die. She finds herself, quite safe, about 30 seconds in the past. She then finds that she can travel through time and uses that power to get better grades and correcting her mistakes. This just makes things worse however and she starts finding herself in alot of trouble soon. 

The animation in this film is wonderful and I think it shows pretty well the chilled everyday of a tomboyish highschool girl. Makoto's personality certainly doesn't make this movie boring to watch and before long you find yourself sucked into her world and will be thinking how awesome it would be if you could do it all yourself... now of course if it were me, I wouldn't get into any trouble because I am awesome. I can't say that the music was very rememberable, having seen the movie I don't think I can clearly remember a single song. The idea itself is pretty good and the things that happen to her can often make you chuckle. I found it easy to connect with her and would probably have done the same thing as her if given the chance ( probably with how easy it would be to sleep till 12 and then just jump back to 7:30 and go to school xD ). A very enjoyable experience and I would recommend this movie to almost everyone.

Unlimited Blade Works

The movie UBW(Unlimited Blade Works) is based on a visual novel developed by Type-Moon in 2004. It revolves around a war called "The holy Grail War" which occurs every 10 years. Each time it is a fight to the death between 7 masters(mages) and their servants(legendary spirits summoned by the holy grail to fight). The last standing can then claim the holy grail which has the power to grant any one wish. The main character is a survivor of the holy grail war that occurred 10 years ago. He was saved and adopted by a master of that holy grail war and lived peacefully for 10 years. The plot involves him getting dragged into the holy grail war as a master and teaming up with another master to survive, a thing easier said than done.

That said, this film is not for children as it contains lots of violence and people brutally killing each other, a thing which is pretty epic when it's in 2-D... I mean they can show alot more than they could with real people and they aren't sued by strange americans because this is a japanese film. I would not say that it resembles a horror movie or a psychological thriller at all. Well it is actually kinda hard to go to sleep after seeing it, though that is because you just want to see it again.

Just to be clear on one very important point, this is a movie for fans much more than the general public. Being a movie adaptation of the second arc of a visual novel which takes about 30+ hours to read it has to skip some parts of it. Even so it is amazing just how much they manage to do with this movie. This movie has alot of fighting scenes with some nice coreography and  a very good story. This movie has some of the best fighting scenes I have seen in a long time and the backgrounds are probably best described as eyecandy. UBW also has an amazing orchestral soundtrack which goes well with the fighting scenes. Well truth be told I really wanted Heaven's Feel instead of Unlimited Blade Works but I guess you can't always have things your way.

Friday, October 8, 2010


Kimjongilia or "the flower of kim jong il" is a human right's film that portrays north korean refugees as they speak of what has happened to them in North Korea and what has driven them to leave their homes. North Korea is the most isolated country in the world. This film tells of the horrors the people have suffered at the hands of the North-Korean government and the way people were tought to worship "the leader(Kim Jong Il's late father)" as a god. It is a film in which North-Korean refugees get to share their stories with the world and how they hope that one day their people can come to see what they have seen.
All in all it is a very eye-opening film which should touch the hearts of those who see it.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Hunter

The Hunter er mynd sem fjallar um mann sem vinnur næturvaktir. Þó hann hafi ekki mikinn tíma þá reynir hann að eyða sem mestum tíma með konu sinni og dóttur en konan hans vinnur dagvaktir. Hann stundar veiðar til þess að losa sig við stress og líf hans byggist á afar viðkvæmu jafnvægi. Það kemur þó fyrir eitt kvöldið að konan hans og dóttir koma ekki heim og hann fær símtal frá lögreglunni, sem biður hann að koma niður á stöð. Þar er honum sagt að konan hans hafi látist í skothríð milli lögreglu og uppreisnarmanna. Hann hefur þá leit að dóttur sinni og líf hans verður algert helvíti. Hann fréttir síðan að lík dóttur sinnar hafi fundist nálægt líki konu sinnar og fer þá yfirum. Hann kennir lögreglunni um dauða fjölskyldu sinnar og gerist lögreglumorðingi. Það gerist þó að tveir lögreglumenn ná honum en samband þessara tveggja lögregluþjóna er vægast sagt slæmt. Við það að ná honum þá týndust þeir og verður ferðalag þeirra til baka afar uppákomusamt.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Jæja er buinn að finna lista yfir myndir og þætti sem ég ætla mér að fylgjast með og blogga um.

Ghost(1990)-Get ekki fundið hana í augnablikinu, á hana á VHS en bara get ekki spilað hana :/
Sixth Sense(1999)-Bara of góð mynd. Verður gaman að blogga um hana.
300-Mig langar frekar mikið að sjá hana aftur.
Memoires of a geisha-Verður gaman að blogga um þessa mynd.
Detective Conan(allar 14 myndirnar)-Þetta verður gaman :P
Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Work-Bara um leið og hun kemur út. Hef beðið eftir þessari mynd i meira en ár.
Hakuouki 2
A certain magical index 2
The World God only knows
Mirai Nikki
Togainu no Chi
Otome Youkai Zakuro
Nurarihyon no mago

síðan mun ég finna eitthvað meira til þess að blogga um

Thursday, August 26, 2010

名探偵コナン(Detective Conan)

Ég er búinn að vera að hugsa mig um undanfarið, hvaða bíómynd hafi haft mest áhrif á mig. Ég komst að því að það hafi verið myndin the sixth sense en ákvað síðan að sú mynd hafi ekki verið neitt sérstaklega skemmtileg.
Þá byrjaði ég að velta því fyrir mér á hvað ég hefði haft mest gaman af. Þar sem ég er mikill aðdáandi rannsóknamynda og þátta t.d. Miss Marple og Sherlock Holmes. Þá trúi ég að þær myndir sem ég hef notið einna mest undanfarin ár séu  名探偵コナン(Detective Conan) myndirnar. Þær eru 14 talsins, en sú nýjasta kom út í Apríl og ég hef því ekki séð hana enn. Þær snúast allar um tánings rannsóknarmann sem verður fyrir því óhappi að falla í hendur glæpamanna. Þeir gefa honum eitur sem þeir voru nýbúnir að þróa. Þeim að óvörum drepur þetta eitur ekki heldur breytir líkama þess sem það tekur í líkama barns. Myndirnar snúast meðal annars um það hvernig hann reynir að finna þessa glæpamenn aftur og komast aftur í sitt fyrra form. Þó þetta hljómi kannski dálítið asnalega þá hafa þessar bíómyndir uppá margt að bjóða meðal annars spennu, ráðgátur, morðmál og drama. Ég mæli algerlega með myndunum sem gæða skemmtun fyrir hvern sem er.

Birgir Sveinn Jakobsson